Puppy Pages:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  6, 7, 8
This time always comes, and Baron and I tend to mope around a lot -- the puppies are going on to their new homes.   The moping must be a "guy thang"  -- Brandy is ready to go chipmunk hunting.  Of course, she did do all the birthing and nursing and cleaning and stuff like that.   The only consolation to their leaving is knowing that they will bring lots of warmth and love to their new homes and to their new families.

It's easy to see why the pups are so beautiful -- with parents like these, they couldn't miss.
.<-- This is Daddy, and from his proud stance, you can see that he well deserves his formal name of "Lord Baron."  It's also pretty obvious where Big Sister, Jasmine and Sassy got their good looks.
Mommy Brandy.  In case you're wondering how come Sable & Cinnamon are so beautiful -- well, now you know. -->

<-- Family photos are really tough with this group.  You just gotta catch them when they're all in one place -- and then be quick. -->

<-- A little sadness prevails as a couple of the girls have already gone.  Big Sister sorta has that faraway look in her eyes.  Sassy doesn't let it disturb her nap -- but, then, not much ever disturbs Sassy's nap.

Sable and Daddy are comforting each other. -->

<-- This is Sable, soon to be known as Charity.

This is Sable's new big sister, Esther. (She just also happens to be our granddaughter) -->

 <-- Esther takes Sable for a walk out in the back woods -- something Sable really enjoys.

So, she gives her new big sister and appreciative kiss. -->

<-- This is Cinnamon, waiting for dinner to be served.

This is her with her new Mom, Norma Jean. -->

<-- Jasmine is enjoying one last evening by the fireplace.

Here she is with her new big sister, Tyler, while big brother, Cole, looks on.  -->

(A note to the Dyers:  I got a couple of other cute pictures of Tyler and Cole.  If you're interested, email me and I will send them to you.)

<-- Big Sister just looking serene and adorable.  (She really is going to be like her Daddy, both in size and temperament).
Big Sister gives her new Mom, Gayle, a kiss, while Sassy sneaks in for a little skritch.   -->
 <-- Sassy in her favorite place by the fireplace.

 This is her with Michael, her new big brother.  -->

<-- Baron has seen this routine too many times in the past few days -- some people show up and one of his babies goes away.  Michael tries to assure him that he will take good care of Sassy.

Daddy gives his baby a goodbye kiss -->

<--  Karen, Michaels' mother, tries to comfort Baron.

But it just doesn't help much.  -->

<--  Even Brandy looks perplexed about Dad's sadness..

Sassy whispers to Daddy that she will be a good girl and will always love him.  -->



  This was the scene on that lovely night three months ago when Brandy graced the world with her five beautiful daughters, and even allowed (actually insisted) Baron to be present for the birthing.  How tiny they look here, especially compared to the rambunctious girls they have grown to be.  As always, we will miss them and wish them and their new families lots of love and fun.  

Thank you for coming along and enjoying this wonderful little puppy interlude with us.