Puppy Pages:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

The kids are five weeks old now.  I leave the shop door open so they can go out and play whenever they want.

<-- Brandy chased a chipmunk up the drain pipe.  The kids are helping them look for it.

"What are they looking for?"  "A chipmunk."  "What's a chipmunk?"  -->

<-- Sable was the first kid who learned to climb up on the deck.  As you can see, she has her technique down pat.  -->
<-- Dad always finds an opportunity to give Mom a little kiss.

"I wuv you, Daddy."  -->

<-- Mom watches the back yard while the kids play, but somebody is missing.

"Nobody is looking, so I can take this toy for myself."  -->

<-- "I don't care what my Big Sister did!  I am not gonna jump!"

The girls do love their Daddy.  --> 

<-- They love to play under the deck.

It's also a nice place for an occasional nap.  -->

<--  "Why do our sisters make it look so easy, Cinnamon?"

"I'm just gonna have to get better at this stuff"  (Sassy)  -->

<--  Sassy and Cinnamon (for Karen & Amy)

Dad and the girls.  Mom is off somewhere hunting chipmunks.  -->

 <--  Sassy & Cinnamon again.

Sassy didn't exactly invent being cute, but she has perfected the art.   -->

<--  "Tell me again how my Big Sister did this."

"I think maybe I need more practice."  -->

<--  Sable & Cinnamon

Sassy & Big Sister  -->

<--  Sable gives Daddy a kiss while the sisters investigate something in the grass.

Three black girls (two of whom desperately need better names).  -->

<--  I put my iced tea glass down to get a picture.  This wasn't exactly what I had in mind.  -->
<--   Usually I call this cabinet my "rag box."  Probably you wonder why, since there are no rags in it.  (Of course, there are rags all over the shop, rags in the yard, . . .)

Family play time -->

<-- Looks like Daddy just lost his favorite toy.

Mom and the girls just having a little fun   -->

<--  Cinnamon is trying to ignore whatever is going on behind her.

A closer look gives a clue why  -->

<--  Just a little sisterly discussion

Sable still practicing her stair climbing technique  -->

<--  Cinnamon, Jasmine & Big Sister relax after dinner

Jasmine also likes to read in the evening  -->

<--  Dad and Big Sister enjoying a little play time



They do keep getting bigger and cuter.  For more, move along to Puppies2001, Page 5.